On 0402.2001
The access from Taiwan is increasing...
The key is the coastline between China and Taiwan and HongKong...
And the 38 degree line...
Over 3 accesses
USA(52), France(13), China(13), Taiwan(11), HongKong(6), Spain(6), Canada(6), Italy(6), Asia/Pacific(6), Other Country(5), UK(5), Brazil(4), Australia(3), Spain(3), Argentina(3), Korea(3)
Note: The flags of USA, Slovakia and Iran happen to be big... this may mean Capitalism, Communism and Islam? And Macau may be related to Buddhism.
Note: Access from Sydney - 1st access from Oceania Hub
Note: Access from Algeria - 1st access from Africa Hub

Aoyagi YoSuKe - Art Harbour
Main Bank: Mizuho Bank, Ltd. Kitazawa branch
Partnership: Google, Inc. AdSense program / Amazon.co.jp Associate program
(The Gaia Art Harbour)
( About Art Harbour)
9.11 2008 is 1.1 2001 in Ethiopian Calendar
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