AH Tokyo 検索



from Overseas

I changed rank system simpler.

Japanese play only trumpets. They don't do what they say.

So I don't believe Japanese. They are only playing games.

They are not human beings. They are kinds of Apes.

I'm not interested in Japanese and their cultures which are full of lies.

They are dishonest, unfair and fool. They are not the cultured people.

They like mimics. They don7t have their own individual opinion, idea and thought.

They look Apes in the small villages.

ユリウス通日 2455108 (土) 辛巳 20:58:49
復活祭 から 174 日
日本暦日 平成 21 10 3 神無月
太陰太陽暦 2009 8 15 仲秋
グレゴリオ暦 2009 10 3 October
イスラム暦 1430 10 14 Shawwal
ユダヤ暦 5770 1 16 Tishri
エチオピア暦 2002 1 23 マスカラム
チベット暦 2136 8 14 室宿月
ホビット庄暦 2009 12 13 Winterfilth
タイ佛暦 満 2552 7 14 Asvina
バリ=シャカ暦 満 1931 4 -1 Kapat
< Pawukon > Saniscara Wage Julungwangi
< Wawaran >
Wuku Julungwangi I Mina 5 Wage 7 Saniscara 8 Kala
9 Erangan 3 Kajeng 6 Urukung 6 Sato 4 Jaya
2 Pepet W Buta-Uler 10 Duka L Pwuhu Atarung
マヤ暦 12 19 16 13 05 12Chiccan(4)03Yax

Accesses to AH Tokyo

Phase4 50~
Japan, USA, China, UK, Brazil, Taiwan, France, Canada, Korea, Malaysia, Germany, India, Philippines,

Phase3 30~49
Spain, Australia, Italy, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Mexico,

Phase2 10~29
Thailand, Portugal, Argentina, Netherland, Russia, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Asia/Pacific,

Phase1 1~9
Switzerland, Turkey, Slovakia, Poland, Sweden, Greece, New Zealand, Venezuela, Ukraine, Colombia, Hungary, Tunisia, Romania, Bulgaria, Peru, Pakistan, Belgium, Finland, Norway, Sri Lanka, Denmark, Macao, Egypt, Austria, Puerto Rico, Iran, Czech Rpb, Ireland, Algeria, Kuwait, Nepal, Serbia, Estonia, United Arab Emirates, Mongolia, Kenya, Quatar, Ghana, Jamaica, South Africa, Costa Rica, Fiji, Oman, Moldova, Bahrain, Georgia, Senegal, Iceland, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Angola, Israel, Ecuador, Moldova, Palestina, Latvia, Iraq, Brunei, Bangladesh, Luxemburg, Chile, Tanzania, Uruguay, Armenia, Guam, Cyprus, Bolivia,

Aoyagi YoSuKe - Art Harbour

Partnership: Google, Inc. AdSense program / Amazon.co.jp Associate program

(The Gaia Art Harbour)

0 件のコメント:

The Definition Of Art Harbour Blog

The Definition Of Art Harbour

Virtual International Trade Harbours Of Art

Opening Anniversary Date: December 1, 2006

Language: Multi Language

Each harbour can export the works toward the virtual world.

People and organization can import the works from all over the world.

Now,Item: Works on Art Activities that are expressed with Photos and Explanations etc.

Export Method: Each Harbour put the Works onto this blog

Import Method: People and Organizations accsess this blog

Order Method: People and Organizations put some comments about the Works onto this blog.

In the future, we will need transportation including trains,airplanes,ships, cars, buses etc.

in order to export and import people, goods etc. ?

Art Harbour







現時点輸出品目: アートに関する活動などを「写真と文などで表現した作品」

輸出方法: 各港で作品をこのブログに書き込むことで、輸出したものとみなす

輸入方法: 人や組織が作品をこのブログで参照することで、輸入したものとみなす

注文方法: 感想などをコメントに入れることで、注文したものとみなす



Multi Language



Google Translatorで、各国語へ、変換




Aoyagi YoSuKe

Art HarbOur

The Gaiaと各ハブは?

英語がベースで、Google Translatorで、各国語へ・・・

Copyright and Responsibility of AH Shimokitazawa blog


Each manager or each member of Each AH Local must independently handle Copyright.

Each may insist on Copyright or discard Copyright independently.

Copyright depends on each manager or each member.


Each manager or each member of Each AH Local

must independently have the resposibility on the posted works.

Art Harbour Shimokitazawa








アート・ハーバー 下北沢

Posting Rule - 掲載ルール

Introducing People, Works, Shops etc. related to Art Harbour as a spot ad.

As a general rule, the details such as map, price should be in the Official Sites related to the ad.

Each ad may contain the Official Sites' URL related to the ad.

Restriction: The Number of Photos is within 6(basically 3). about 640x480 pixel

Ad Size: Within about 2 standard printing papers.

Example: Spot ad. , Flyer, Live Report, Poem, Short Story, Illustraltion, Photo, Paintings etc.

Art Harbour Shimokitazawa




制限:写真など6枚以内(基本は3枚) 1枚に付き640×480ピクセル程度



アート・ハーバー 下北沢