Saturday, October 02, 2010
A quarter engineer!
I went shopping three times, had a new hair cut, went to a party, and I am reading a great book "enjoy your life" which was a gift from Dr. versatile to my mom (thanks Dr.)
And I have other plans, like making a dramatic change in my bedroom, invite my relatives to lunch, and go to the gold market which is like a tradition I have before starting a new academic year, the majority of my savings are dedicated for buying golden jewels (bejeweled and treasury), I enjoy wearing them and whenever I need money in the future I can sell them. It is such a great way for saving.
Although I didn't have a holiday in the summer, but I actually feel excited to start a new academic year, each day is a new step to achieve my goal in the currier I chose, now I am a quarter engineer!
Only few people I know chose to study engineering , the majority of students attend it because of the marks they got in the pacaloria exams.
The reason why people prefer medical colleges is, they can get a job, while so many Iraqi engineers are unemployed, but when I was thinking about this huge decision my best friend madcanuck encouraged me to chose engineering, because I'd rather find difficulty and delay in finding a job for a currier I love, than getting a job easily in a carrier I don't like. And I prayed a lot to make the right decision, even if engineering is the most difficult college here, and our professors are so stiff and try to make us feel hopeless , but it worth it, and I have no doubt about what kind of life I planned to..
A week ago, I was studying for my last exam, and I felt so bothered because of the annoying kids in my neighborhood who were kicking our garage door , I was looking through the window, and missed my old neighborhood before the war, the old neighbors, and old spirit, it was a classy place, now it is like a village!
I remember waking up on Friday, before the war, and my grandpa was preparing to clean the street in front of our house, and I decided to help him, another neighbor saw us and gave a hand of help, then the other did the same and so on, in a short time all neighbors went out and we all worked together, cleaned the street, and then my grandpa started to pick of the fruit in our garden and other kids offered to help, and grandpa gave them fruit in return , and after that we played with bicycles.. now, those kids are collage students, and they left the neighborhood ..
So many neighbors who were professors, doctors , engineers were threatened and sold their houses, as well as the Christian neighbors.. we're still in touch, but the neighborhood will never be the same after they left .. we want to leave this neighborhood, but grandpa doesn't want to, he says he have memories in every corner of this house, he designed it and built it, and he's not leaving no matter how hard we try to convince him!
Enojoy your neighborhoods,
adventures with my pen #8: my pen gets a workout

Despite having access to a truly dizzying array of communication devices, my friend/fellow author Carolyn Mackler and I are writing bona fide paper letters to each other. Come read them at, Carolyn & Gabrielle's Old School Letter Blog.
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