A Place in the Universe
This montage of planetary images was taken by spacecraft managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Included are (from top to bottom) images of Mercury, Venus, Earth (and moon), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The spacecraft responsible for these images are as follows:
1. The Mercury image was taken by Mariner 10,
2. The Venus image by Magellan,
3. T the Earth image by Galileo,
4. The Mars image by Viking, and
5. The Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were taken images by Voyager.
Pluto is not shown as no spacecraft has yet visited it.
The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, moon and Mars) are roughly to scale to each other; the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are roughly to scale to each other.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL
How do you feel Cosmos... New Solar System... Gaia?
Pluto was recognized as a dwarfish one.
Planet(惑星) 太陽系の惑星から冥王星が格下げになって、矮小惑星になった。惑星の数は8個になった。
Mercury(水星) 【ロ神】神々の使者、商業、雄弁、技術、旅行、盗賊などの使者 【HOLST】翼のある使者
Venus(金星) 【ロ神】愛と美の女神 【ギ神】Aphroditeに相当 【HOLST】平和をもたらすもの
Gaia(ガイア) 【サイエンス】地球生命体
Mars(火星) 【ロ神】戦いの神 【ギ神】Aresに相当 【HOLST】戦争をもたらすもの
Jupiter(木星) 【ロ神】神々の王で天の支配者 【ギ神】Zeusに相当 【HOLST】快楽をもたらすもの
Saturn(土星) 【ロ神】農耕の神、子供のJupiter以前のGolden Ageの主神 【ギ神】Cronusに相当 【HOLST】老年をもたらすもの
Uranus(天王星) 【ギ神】天の神で宇宙の初期支配者 【HOLST】魔術師
Neptune(海王星) 【ロ神】海洋の神 【ギ神】Poseidonに相当 【HOLST】神秘をもたらすもの
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