Pluto was recognized as a dwarfish one.
Planet(惑星) 太陽系の惑星から冥王星が格下げになって、矮小惑星になった。惑星の数は8個になった。
Mercury(水星) 【ロ神】神々の使者、商業、雄弁、技術、旅行、盗賊などの使者 【HOLST】翼のある使者
Venus(金星) 【ロ神】愛と美の女神 【ギ神】Aphroditeに相当 【HOLST】平和をもたらすもの
Gaia(ガイア) 【サイエンス】地球生命体
Mars(火星) 【ロ神】戦いの神 【ギ神】Aresに相当 【HOLST】戦争をもたらすもの
Jupiter(木星) 【ロ神】神々の王で天の支配者 【ギ神】Zeusに相当 【HOLST】快楽をもたらすもの
Saturn(土星) 【ロ神】農耕の神、子供のJupiter以前のGolden Ageの主神 【ギ神】Cronusに相当 【HOLST】老年をもたらすもの
Uranus(天王星) 【ギ神】天の神で宇宙の初期支配者 【HOLST】魔術師
Neptune(海王星) 【ロ神】海洋の神 【ギ神】Poseidonに相当 【HOLST】神秘をもたらすもの
P.S. Today's NASA Image. Please click this image, and it will be magnified.

Confessions of a Dying Star
Probing a glowing bubble of gas and dust encircling a dying star, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope reveals a wealth of previously unseen structures.
The object, called NGC 2371, is a planetary nebula, the glowing remains of a sun-like star. The remnant star visible at the center of NGC 2371 is the super-hot core of the former red giant, now stripped of its outer layers. Its surface temperature is a scorching 240,000 degrees Fahrenheit. NGC 2371 lies in the constellation Gemini.
The Hubble image reveals several remarkable features, most notably the prominent pink clouds lying on opposite sides of the central star. This color indicates that they are relatively cool and dense, compared to the rest of the gas in the nebula.
Also striking are the numerous, very small pink dots, marking relatively dense and small knots of gas, which also lie on diametrically opposite sides of the star. These features appear to represent the ejection of gas from the star along a specific direction. The jet's direction has changed over the past few thousand years. The reason for this behavior is not well understood, but might be related to the possible presence of a second star orbiting the visible central star.
A planetary nebula is an expanding cloud of gas ejected from a star that is nearing the end of its life. The nebula glows because of ultraviolet radiation from the hot remnant star at its center. In a few thousand years, the nebula will dissipate into space. The central star will then gradually cool down, eventually becoming a white dwarf, the final stage of evolution for nearly all stars.
Image Credit: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
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