Aoyagi YoSuKe - Art Harbour
Partnership: Google, Inc. AdSense program / Amazon.co.jp Associate program
(The Gaia Art Harbour)
Mizuho Bank/Credit Master
・There are still many problems remaining, so I would like to ask for everyone's cooperation. 課題が多く残っているので皆さまのご協力をお願いします。
・You will have our full cooperation. 私たちも全面的に協力しましょう。
・The third-generation cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] was once viewed by the industry as a license to print money. But the high cost of licenses and building networks has led many firms to delay or scrap their investment in the technology. かつて業界では第三世代携帯電話は無限の利益をもたらす魔法の道
・When the business was growing, the McDonald franchise was considered a license to print money. 事業が成長していたころは、
・Anonymity on the Internet has become a license to lie. インターネット上の匿名性はうそをつくための便利な道具となって
【@】ライセンス、【変化】《動》licenses | licensing | licensed、【分節】li・cense
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